For those looking for the complete Madden 18 Offensive Formation list for each team here it is.
Note: use the search feature to find specific formations quickly.
wpDataTable with provided ID not found!
For those looking for the complete Madden 18 Offensive Formation list for each team here it is.
Note: use the search feature to find specific formations quickly.
wpDataTable with provided ID not found!
is there and formations that use 2hb set so I can use Sanders and Jackson not Sanders Hb and Jackson Fb
yah the patriots first gun formation
This list isn’t complete. I can’t seem to find the Gun Tight set that Chargers have in their playbook.
Who has the zona plays in their offensive playbook? It’s not Arizona.
What happened. How do you navigate past 1st 150 entries. Doesn’t search all the playbook anymore.
It should be fixed.
Where are all the Singleback Dice Slot formations… they dont show up on anybody’s lists anywhere on the Internet.
Split brown? You have that formation listed but I can’t seem to find it